*עכשיו גם בעברית*

Find the perfect dvar Torah for every occasion.
תמצא את דבר התורה המתאים לכל אירוע
Whether you are preparing a short dvar Torah or writing a long drasha, search our database of divrei Torah to find the right one for you.

VortFinder is a tool that can be used to find a dvar Torah on a specific Parsha, Pasuk, or topic. Based on your search, you will be provided with a one sentence summary of relevant sources. All of these sources lend themselves to be easily adapted for a dvar Torah. We currently have a database of over twenty five hundred entries of divrei Torah from an assortment of Sefarim, but it is a work in progress and we will be updating the database regularly.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please be in touch- VortFinder@gmail.com